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 Point Of Sale

ERP Sales

Run your shop with an integrated and user-friendly point of sale , compatible with any device.


User-friendly and integrated Point Of Sale.

The Point of sale system handles your sales, stock, accounting, and shop simply and fast. With full integration, connecting to your inventory and accounting modules to manage your shop or restaurant stock and accounts. The point of sale system is user-friendly and is easy to customise with many features such as easy hardware connection and compatibility, real-time stock availability, specific restaurant features and more

System Features

Integrating Point of Sale with your business


Web based application deployed on any device or browser, PC, tablet & iPad compatibility, work offline, HTML5 mods.


Customise & configure product categories, units, variants & multiple barcodes. Search products, track & count stock.


Assign & edit floor plan, manage seating for table availability, Send descriptive orders directly or at specific times.


Register & identify customers with their email, contact details & bar-coded loyalty card. Loyalty points to reward customers.


Manage order history, multiple cashier accounts, stock & inventory. Track daily sales & pre-configure franchise stores.


Process multiple payment methods & orders, synchronise offline payments ,split tenders & customsie receipts.

 Point Of Sale Module

If you are looking for a point of sale solution that is completely integrated with your business operations than we have the solution for you. The point of sale module has many features such as an easy to use interface, allowing you to serve multiple customers at the same time with parallel ordering that integrates with your barcode scanner for prices, discounts and recognising customer loyalty card, instantly adding their points to your system. With the point of sale system, you can handle refunds, track warranties, follow customer claims, schedule deliveries, plan sales strategies or promotions and easily customise the software and link to your accounting for invoicing. The POS box connects scanners, printers, scales and your cash box that is easy to set up without any technical knowledge. With cloud availability that is configured with a user-friendly back-end that works both online and offline, recording all transactions on your computer and synchronising your data as soon as you re-connect back online. The software also has specifically designed restaurant management features. You can process orders easily with the visual restaurant map for table number selection and have multiple printers connected to send orders directly to your kitchen or office, split table bills for group dining and more.

Integrated inventory, sales, E-Commerce & accounting.

Online & offline access, instantly synchronising data.

Specifically designed restaurant features.

Easy to manage stock availability.

Odoo PoS Equipment
Odoo PoS

Fully integrated and compatibility.

Have your inventory, sales, e-commerce and accounting integrated, updating and automating your stock availability when products are sold from multiple shops so you don’t need to worry about manual entries. Instantly updating your inventory once the product is sold, indicating up to the minute on your stock levels. Your sales are integrated with your accounting, allowing your accountant to know exactly what has been sold in real time. The point of sale module is compatible with any device from your scanners, printers, scales and cash box, having your shop completely connected with all of your operations.

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